Climate Change Mitigation Program

Gender Mainstreaming Seminar

Climate Change Seminar

Takakura method of wastes vegetables decomposit in colloboration with CFM and Thimphu Thromde

Takakura method of wastes vegetables decomposit in colloboration with CFM and Thimphu Thromde

Integrated Horticulture Promotion Project at Bajo Wangdue

Integrated Horticulture Promotion Project at Bajo Wangdue

JAAB hosted 7th JAAFSC Annual Meeting on 23rd December 2021

Ceremony conducted for supply of necessities equiptment to blood Bank JDWNRH

JAAB impact talk

JAAB AGM on 24th March

Jaab Meeting with DG of South Asia

Call for Mini Grant Scheme

JAAB AGM attended by JICA Chief Representative

Farewel dinner for JICA Chief Representative

Blood donation campaign at Paro College of Education

JAAB had audiance With Japanese Ambassador Mr. Satoshi Suzuki and delegation on 6th September 2022

Mini-grant award program

Mini grant award program

Nutritious and Food Security Program at Haa conducted by JAAB

JAAB members expansion program ,graced by minister deputy Chief of Mission

Ceremony for the foundation of Japan Alumni Association of Bhutan

Rural House fire safety, prevention, awareness and advisory program

Farewell to Mr. kudosan Jica staff

Vegetable waste composting program

Vegetable waste composting program

Dasho Thrompoen Tshering Norbu Joins JAAB

Secretary General Mr. Pema Gyalpo introduces JAAB to participants

Seminar in Delhi organized by JAAI

JICA Office in India organised the field Trip to Metro train station of Japanese Techonology

Jaab executive meeting was held on 20th March 2023

JAAB Executive Members and JICA staff meeting

Handing taking of Mini-grants awarded to Bhutan Strock Foundation

Mr. Yoshihiro Imoto san and Mr. Kinley San representative of JICA for JAAB

Thank giving to Mrs. Tanaka San

Mrs. Tanaka San supported the activities of JAAB, She is leaving Japan after working with JICA for three years .

JAAB Annual General Meeting was held on 30th June 2023 at Hotel Tara Phendeyling, New JAAB Executive members were elected.

New Executive Members are awarded Tashi khader by JICA Chief Representative Mr. Tomoyuki Yamada.

Japan & JAAB Exchange program held on 2nd July 2023

calls for Mini-grants registered JAAB Members of Ex-participants of JICA Training and MEXT and JDS scholars program of Japan

Blood donation campaign at CNR lobesa Punakha

blood donation campaign at CNR lobesa ,Punakha, if your wish to registered call @ 17952677

Blood donation campaign at CNR (5th August 2023)

The JICA Chief Representative , Mr. Tomoyuki Yamada awarded mini-grants to two alumnus on 11th September 2023.

The awards were granted to Nima Gyeltshen for his proposal on waste management in addressing climate mitigation and Tshering Choki for proposal on conducting training on Great exploration for Maths and science (GEMS)

Nutrition and Food security program at Trongsa

Nutrition and food security Program at Trongsa on 16th September 2023 .

Blood donation drive during the Japan Week held on 28th October 2023

JAAB had an audiance with the Japan Ambassorder to Bhutan, Execellency Hiroshi, Suzuki, at the Le Meridien hotel over the lunch

JAAB members met with Excellency, Mr. Kitaoka Shinichi ,Ph.D, formal JICA President

Rural Fire safety and awareness and Advocacy Program at Gelephu in collaboration with Gelephu Thromde held on 20th February 2024

JAAFSC meeting on 25-26 February 2024 at Katmandu Nepal

JAAB executive members participated International seminars on Human Resource Development for the Nation Building : Best Practices ,Challenges and Lessons learned

JAAB executive Members meeting on 26th April 2024

JAAB executive meeting was held with JICA on 26th April 2024

JAAB Executive members had offer Khader to Hon'able Chair Person, Dasho Tashi Pem, and Dasho , Dr. Cigay Tshering Dorji, Commissioner

JAAB Executive members had offer Khader to Hon'able Chair Person, Dasho Tashi Pem, and Dasho , Dr. Cigay Tshering Dorji, Commissioner

RCSC Commissioner of RCSC Dasho Cigay Tshering Dorji ( Previous JAAB Executive members)

Blood donation drive was conducted in colloboration with CST , JICA, Aurora Nursing collage and JAAB at CST on 18th May 2024

JAAB Exchange Program held on 9th June 2024, organised jointly with Japan Embassy , RCSC, JICA and JAAB

Nutrition and food Security Program @17th August 2024 at Darla Higher Secondary School

Nutrition and Food Security Program was conducted at Darla Higher Secondary School , Chhukha Dzongkhag, financially Supported by JICA Bhutan Office

Nutritious and Food Security Program

Nutrition and Food Security Program

Nutritious and Food Security Program

Nutrition and Food Security Program

blood donation drive

Blood donation drive 18th May 2024

Waste management

Vegetables Waste Management Program

Waste management

International Seminars Katmandu Nepal

House Fire Safety, Prevention, Awarness and Advisory Program

11th JAAFSC meeting on 13th December 2023

Waste management

JAAB Members in volved in celebration of International Volunteer day with JICA, RCSC

Blood Donation Camp

Blood donation drive during the Japan Week held on 28th October 2023

Blood Donation Camp

blood donation drive on 28th october 2023

Nutritious and Food Security Program

Nutritious and food Security Program at Trongsa on 16th September 2023

Waste management

Blood donation campaign conducted in collaboration with JICA ,JDWNRH, CNR

JAAb Impact talk

Japan- JAAB Exchange program was graced by 1st Secretary of Japan Embassy and JICA Staff and MEXT Scholars and Ex-participant of JICA Training Program

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Impact Talk was graced by Nakayama San

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Impact Talk was graced by Nakayama San

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Impact Talk was graced by Nakayama San

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Impact Talk was graced by Nakayama San

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Impact Talk was graced by Nakayama San

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Exchange Program was graced by Nakayama San and JICA and RCSC staff

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Exchange Program was graced by Nakayama San and JICA and RCSC staff

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Exchange Program was graced by Nakayama San and JICA and RCSC staff

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Exchange Program was graced by Nakayama San and JICA and RCSC staff

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Exchange Program was graced by Nakayama San and JICA and RCSC staff

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Exchange Program was graced by Nakayama San and JICA and RCSC staff

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Exchange Program was graced by Nakayama San and JICA and RCSC staff

JAAb Impact talk

Japan-JAAB Exchange Program was graced by Nakayama San and JICA and RCSC staff

Handing taking of Minigrants awarded to Bhutan Stock Foundation

Handing taking of Minigrants awarded to Bhutan Stock Foundation

JAAB execitive Members and JICA staff meeting

JAAB execitive Members and JICA staff meeting

Jaab executive meeting

Jaab executive meeting was held on 20th March 2023

Jaab executive meeting

Jaab executive meeting was held on 20th March 2023

Field Trip by JICA Office India to Metro Train

JICA Office in India organised the field Trip to Metro train station of Japanese Techonology

Seminar by JAAI in Delhi

AAB attended Seminars in Delhi India Organised by JAAI in colloboration with JAAFSC.The seminars in ths topic Health, Education, Energy

Introduction of new JAAB members

New Jaab Members

Vegetable Waste Composting Program

Vegetable Composting Program


Farewell to Mr. kudosan Jica staff

House Fire Safety, Prevention, Awarness and Advisory Program

House Fire safety, prevention, awarness and advisory program

Japanese Food Exchange Program

Food Exchange Program

JAAB members expansion program

JAAB members expansion program ,graced by minister deputy Chief of Mission

Blood Donation Camp

Blood Donation Camp Thimphu

Japan Week

Japan Week

Nutritious and Food Security Program

Nutritious and Food Security Program

Mini-grant award program

Mini grant award program

Mini-grant award program

Mini grant award program

Blood donation campaign at Paro College of Education

Blood donation campaign at Paro College of Education

Farewel dinner for JICA Chief Representative

Farewel dinner for JICA Chief Representative

JAAB Annual General Meeting 2022

JAAB Annual General Meeting 2022

Jaab Meeting with DG of South Asia

Jaab Meeting with DG of South Asia

Blood donation campaign at Paro College of Education

Facilitating Blood Donation Camp



JAAb Impact talk

JAAB Impact Talk

simple ceremony conducted for supply of necessities equiptment to blood Bank JDWNRH

simple ceremony conducted for supply of necessities equiptment to blood Bank JDWNRH

Bhutan had hosted 7th JAAFSC Annual Meeting

Bhutan had hosted 7th JAAFSC Annual Meeting on 23rd December 2021

integrated Horticulture Promotion Project

integrated Horticulture Promotion Project

Takakura method of wastes vegetables decomposit

Takakura method of wastes vegetables decomposit in colloboration with CFM and Thimphu Thromde

Gender Mainstreaming Seminar

Gender Mainstreaming Seminar


Project & Activities

Year 2021

Vegetable Composting Program


Program for vegetable Waste Compositing program is attended by JICA Chief Representative Mr. Tomoyuki Yamada and JICA officals and Program Director Mr. ngawang Of ARDC samtenling. 15 participants are from Schools Gelephu Thomdey and Farmers. organic focal person

Year 2021


JAAB is happy to welcome , Mr. Yoshihiro Imoto San and Kinley San join as JAAB representative from JICA office. We would like to Thank immensely Mr. Sutosan and Mrs. Thujesan for continue support towards the JAAB activities.

JAAB events

Japan- JAAB Exchange Program was grace by Nakayama San, 1st Secretary , Embassy of Japan


Official from JICA and RCSC and two MEXT scholars and Two ,Ex-participants of JICA Training Program shared learning and experiences in Japan

JAAB events

Blood donation Campaign at CNR , Lobesa , Punakha


JAAB roll out blood donation campaign at CNR , Lobesa in collaboration with JICA, JDWNRH, CNR.

JAAB events

Mini grants awarded on 11th September 2023


JAAB mini-grant awarded to Mr. Nima Gyeltshen and Ms. Tshering Choki for the projects

Announcements & Press Releases

MEXT Scholarship Members Exchange Program

02-06-2023 | Press Release

JAAB in collaboration with Japan Embassy and JICA is organizing MEXT scholars Exchange program on 2nd July 2023. JAAB members are invited for the events


14-06-2023 | Announcement

Japan Alumni Association of Bhutan is organizing Annual General Meeting on 30th June 2023 , for the registration and venue confirmation please contact 17952677 or Email

Mini-grants Announcement

04-07-2023 | Announcement

Japan Alumni Association f Bhutan Japan Alumni Association of Bhutan (JAAB) calls  for a Mini-Grants  Scheme (MGS) to support  ex-participants  of  JICA training program  and  long-term studies through MEXT and JDS scholarship programs in Japan. The Mini-Grants Scheme (MGS) is aimed at supporting the participants  of the JICA Training program and Scholars to realize  their activities  at contributing  to the socio-economic  development of Bhutan  in which knowledge and skills and experience are gained through the training and study program. The deadline for submission  of the application  and project proposal  is  on 24th July 2023. Further contact ,, (M) 17952677

blood donation campaign is schedule on 5th of August 2023 at CNR Lobesa , if your wish to registered call @ 17952677

13-07-2023 | Announcement

JAAB in collaboration with JDWNRH is organizing blood donation at CNR lobesa on 5th August2023, supported by JICA


Japan Alumni Association of Bhutan

Royal Textile Academy(RTA),Level1
Chubachhu, Thimphu
Contact: 17952677

Enquire about JAAB

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